Evangeline is an Acadian, ready to join her boyfriend Max, an American, in Rhode Island, so she can go to art school. Her father thinks she is going to school in Montreal. He and her mother had been involved in the cause of Quebec becoming a separate country, for the French speaking people of Canada. Her mother died in childbirth, and she was raised by her father. The French cause was her mother’s cause.
Set in 1995, the book follows Eve, as she caves in to her father’s wishes, leaving Max in the lurch, and going to Montreal.
Once there, she meets a group of protesters, and gets involved with a mysterious man, who has an odd interest in her. Having failed to get Eve’s father back into the cause, Narcisste, offers Eve a place to paint, as well as the excitement of going out at night to protest.
When Eve overhears his real plan, she is shocked and disgusted. A dark secret in her parents past is about to come to light, when tragedy strikes, flinging Eve into emotional turmoil.
I found myself getting irritated at the characters, because they were all so manipulative, but Eve was young and sheltered so she at least has an excuse. I did like the story, though. It was new and fresh, a real coming of age story. I like learning new things, and I had not heard much about Acadians or the protesting in Canada.
I don’t know much about this time in Canada, for which my kids chastised me, but it happened long after I was out of school, and I don’t pay much attention to Canadian news. (shame on me). It was an interesting time.
I received this book from the author for review. Thank you!
blogger Tags: fiction

Unfortunately, we don't get much news in the U.S. about Canada or anywhere else in world for that matter.
I'd love this book, I know it!