Elizabeth Scott, a young adult writer, has written a gripping story of horror and abuse, not suitable for young adults. A young girl just days before her 10th birthday, is kidnapped from a class field trip by a sadistic pedophile named Ray. He physically, mentally and sexually abuses "Alice" telling her if she tries to escape or tells anyone, he will go to her house and kill her parents. Of course she believes him after the horrors he puts her through. At 15 she is required to have "Brazilian" waxes and he starves her to keep her as young looking as possible. When he tells her she will find his next victim, "Alice" realizes she is going to die. Sparely written, but powerful, this slender book is chilling as you just know there is no hope in this child left. It is a hard subject and not as graphic as it could have been, but it is graphic enough. Disturbing, and sad, the ending rips at your heart. Not sure if it is a must read and I can't say an enjoyable one, but I think it is important to read things that disturb as well as entertain.
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