Monday, June 29, 2009


Something I rarely do is read a series out of order. Don’t ask me why, it just confuses me, so imagine my surprise when, at the library, in the new arrivals section, I grabbed a book by Jayne Ann Krentz, called “Running Hot” (and it was not even that new), without noticing it was NUMBER 5 in a series. DUHHHH. I was halfway into it when I noticed the info in teeny, tiny print on the cover. I immediately went to my libraries website to get them to pull the first four for me, and of course when I made a stop to pick up my books, they only had number 2. So I am hanging on, hoping for number one soon. I also picked up “Relentless” which I think is the newest Dean Koontz. They had never heard of “Beautiful Shadow” by Andrew Wilson, so I guess I need to save my pennies or return some cans to recycling. I wish I had a magic wand sometimes….

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