Wednesday, September 02, 2009

Taking a Mini Break

After having a very bad week health wise,I have plans to take a mini break. Going to load up Tinkerbelle, grab Jack the dog, and youngest granddaughter, and head for the hills with The Man, I imagine I will go bonkers without internet access, but oh well. Oldest granddaughter is going to a slumber party or she would be going with us. The Boy is going to Vegas baby on his first road trip! I think he will have a blast, at least I hope so. I am almost finished with my third slow (in a good way) read. I will write my review from the glorious Rocky Mountains and post when I get back. I am struggling over another review and hope the fresh air will help me locate the words.Happy Labor Day everyone, if I miss it.


  1. Anonymous9:58 AM

    And... was it a good break? I do hope so.

  2. It was..thank you so much!
