Meera, cookbook author, wife and mother, finds her world turned upside down when her husband, Giri, leaves a party they are attending, and never returns home. Her son is confused and her daughter is angry. Meera is terribly frightened.
The house where the family lives with her mother and grandmother, is a bone of contention between Meera and her husband.
Forced to find work, Meera becomes assistant to Jak, an expert in cyclones, who is struggling with his own family tragedy.
Set in India, I did not understand some of the terms,I was still able to immerse myself in the story, which is lyrically written and fascinating. A look into a culture, so different from ours, with shocking customs, beautiful landscapes, and a people who in this case, honor family above all.
Meera’s strength, fears and hope, carried the story along quickly toward a conclusion that will satisfy any reader.
India is a land of color,spice and people who while sometimes flawed, as we all are, hold their culture above all. Although I did not like or understand some of the ideas expressed, it is after all, their culture, and I have to respect that.
I Received this book from Library Thing Early Reviewers for review. Thanks!

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