Wednesday, May 07, 2014

Cancer, computer,jail,arthritis,diabetes,falling apart…… oh my!





The jail part wasn’t is my granddaughter..14 years old. Yikes!!  Had a big chunk of my hand taken away because of skin cancer. And more to go. Arthritis attacking much more than I like and just found out that my co-pay for the meds my Doc wants is $600 per month! And then there is diabetes…having tingly toes!

Oh and of course the bad, bad computer. Slower than dirt, and crazy making!

I cannot believe it has been so long since I was here writing. After I vowed to do better, too. *sigh* I just haven’t been up for posting, but I have done a ton of reading. I have not even updated my reading list for last year. Shame, Shame on me!!! I have been reading everybody else’s blogs, for my sanity. It made me realize I need to do some housekeeping and get myself (blog-wise) in shape! So here we go….stay tuned!

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  1. OMG! You're back! I'm so happy!!! xoxo

  2. Glad to see you're back. Have been checking for your post. Hang in there and keep your fingers coming back to the keyboard.
