Friday, December 12, 2008

Well I Never (almost)

Has this ever happened to are reading a good book, a mystery, and you get the feeling that something is terribly wrong? Like maybe you are reading too quickly, and really lost the plot? Could it be that after page 182 the next page is 215? This happened to me tonight reading Simple Genius by David Baldacci. This has only happened to me once before in 52 years of reading. I wonder how many times this happens to others. The first time I contacted the publisher and they sent me a new, complete, book. It was a trade paperback. This was a new hardback. CRAP!

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  1. Sadly, this happened to me when I bought an expensive first edition of a 1950s out-of-print novel...about 60 pages were missing, and the 60 in their place were repeats. I complained to the seller and she was really nice and luckily had another copy of the book, which she sent to me right away.

  2. That's happened to me once -- very similar to Bybee's experience, but it was just a cheap paperback and I was easily able to trade it.

  3. OH NO! That is really not good. Did you get a refund!?!?

  4. I actually contacted the publisher and they are sending a whole new book!!! WOO HOO!!
