Friday, May 14, 2010

Sweet Tea at Sunrise

After reading so many heavy books recently, it was delightful to read "Sweet Tea at Sunrise" by Sherryl Woods.

Sarah Price is recovering from a very bad marriage to Walter, a man who let his parents degrade and humiliate Sarah. Sarah moves to Serenity, South Carolina, where she meets a wonderful man, Travis MacDonald. Travis has something of a reputation, as a ladies man and a player, but he wears Sarah down with his charm. He hires Sarah to work at the radio station, he has started up, and makes himself a part of the close knit community.

This was a charming read, full of characters, and small town life (as well as LOVE)! And quite a relief from the more serious books I have been reading lately.

I received this book from Net Galley, and read it on Big Red.

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