Monday, July 18, 2011

Inherit the Throne- Steve DeWinter

Melissa Stone finally has her act together. She is living under an assumed name, waiting tables in a small town and is happy with her new life. When someone makes an attempt on her life and endangers her family, she is forced back into the dark world she had turned her back on.

A robot controlled SUV loaded with explosives takes aim and crashes into the Vice-Presidents limo, throwing the country into a panic.

William Hartford, Speaker of the House, former alchoholic, and soon to be President of the United States, is a man, not in charge of his own life. For twelve years he has been going along with the weirdest plan he had ever heard. A plan to make him President.

The elaborate plan, being managed by the mysterious Hannah, involves several people, all coordinated to do maximum damage.

Can Melissa save the President, Vice-President, and the Speaker of the House? Can she save her own life, and the lives of those she loves?

Although it was not perfect (could use a little edit),this book is a nonstop thrill ride from beginning to end. It is a perfect summer read, full of twists and turns, introducing a heroine for our times. A kick ass kinda gal!! This is the first in what I hope is a series of Melissa Stone novels. And what a start it is!!

I received this E-book from Pump up your book virtual tours, for review. Thank you for introducing this new star!

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